Sunday, April 17, 2011

YouTube: Classroom Music Teaching resources:

Topic 2: YouTube in Education

A quick search of YouTube's hundreds of thousands of video clips will reveal many educational video recources, from popular How To guides to K12 teacher groups focused on recorded lessons and instructional videos. These videos and range from highly academic, to highly amusing, for example this amusing video clip explaining to students of the I.S. 109 school of Queens, NY why they have to tuck their shirts in when they come to school.
If you wanted to be more SPECIFIC in searching for teaching resources online, then it would be better to go to teacher-specific sites e.g. TeacherTube and WatchKnow aggregate thousands of videos from educators, YouTube, and the rest of the Web. Basically these sites are clearinghouses of educational videos that cover most school subjects, categorized by subject and education level. WatchKnow has a review panel of educators and educational video experts that check videos from first-time submitters before posting.

 Another option is to upload your own videos on YouTube, or indeed just on your computer. With a simple web cam and the free MovieMaker utility included with Windows XP (or iMovie in a Mac), you can edit the recording, add subtitles and effects, and save it in the right format.

With the regular YouTube account, you are allowed to upload up to 10 minutes of movie time per clip, or up to 100MB. To be able to upload longer videos, you must apply for a Director account, which you can get, pending authorization.  Uploading the file is very simple. You can type in a title, description, and keywords, and choose the category you would like it to appear in. You can also choose whether to make the video public, or to allow only invited individuals to see it. Once the video is uploaded, you can send a link to it through e-mail, or embed it in any blog or a web page.


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