Sunday, April 17, 2011

YouTube: Observations on Truth & Globalization

Topic 2: Youtube in Education

The world, in my opinion is becoming fairer.  As humans, we are learning about our world at a terrific rate thanks to globalization. The star sign people call this ‘the age of Aquarius’, according  – the age when the truth is revealed.  YouTube is one of the vehicles for this truth. A sweeping statement, yes, but one I would like to put out there.  

YouTube is an opportunity to make people feel more aware of where they are in the world. Are we as crazy as we seem, or are we just like every other human trying to put ourselves out there in finding answers?

Are we that different from people overseas? Is a kid playing guitar in his bedroom in America really that different from a kid playing guitar in his bedroom in Australia or Thailand or Brazil? Students, especially music students can find out the truth of where they stand in the world. They can surf YouTube for many answers, whether it is related to schoolwork or related to life in general. It may take many contrasting videos of a certain topic to learn that there is a connecting message between them, which will give the answers they require.  Sometimes they may not get any answers, which really – is an answer within itself.

When we want answers we can find them, at every corner.  We now have the ability to find out the truth about ourselves in a world context, not just in the context of our own school, music institution, or country.

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